Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Remember: Life is beautiful

Life never seems to go the way you planned. There is always going to be hurdles and you just have to try and stay positive. Recently, I have been looking back at my life where I was and where I am today. If I am honest I don’t regret any of it as it’s made me who I am today and I am proud of it. I used to be ashamed of my circumstances as a child but one of the lessons that I have learnt from my life is that you need to accept yourself, stop searching for acceptance in others because you don’t need validation. Whatever your circumstances, they are out of your control, what you can control is how you react to them and your outlook on life. Life is beautiful. When you’re in darkness facing your own battles remember you’re not alone even when you feel alone. It’s hard for me to let people in, I always have my barriers up because I am afraid of getting hurt so I protect myself but I have learnt that isn’t the way to live life by being guarded. Sometimes you need to let people in, who knows they could end up being a great friend, or they taught you a lesson. It’s amazing looking back and remembering who your closest friends were at the time and now you never speak to them again. I believe that they’re part in your story ended and it’s time for a new chapter in your life but with different characters. I like to look back sometimes to see how far I’ve grown as a person. We all change; change can never really stop its part of nature and life. I sometimes feel lost because I don’t know what my purpose is in life... all I ever wanted to be growing up was an actress and that never really happened. I went to University which was an amazing experience for me I really found myself and great friends along the way. One of my assignments from University carried on once I graduated and I thought I could get it performed... that didn’t work out. Now I have started a blog and I enjoy it, I love being creative being able to write what’s on my mind and hopefully you like what I have to say. For now this feels right for what comes next, I have no clue but I am excited to see where life will take me next.
I hope you like this post, stay positive nothing lasts forever, the pain you’re going through today will pass and you soon will be smiling because you survived that battle you were facing.
Please leave a comment below, let me know if you like this post and if you want me to start an advice blog. Send me your questions through twitter on @PunjabiBarbie
Lots of love,
Simran xxx

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